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Hilfe für turkish-kurdisches 13-jähriges Mädchen in Abschiebehaft |
Hallo, ich schreibe von der SOAS Detainee Support Group in London. Wir brauchen die Hilfe von deutschen Asyl etc -gruppen für Meltem Avcil, ein türkish-kurdiches 13-jähriges Mädchen das seit dem 27. August mit seiner Mutter im Yarl's Wood detention centre in Abschiebehaft sitzt.
Meltem und ihre Eltern Cennet und Yusuf Avcil kamen 1999 nach Deutschland und beantragten Asyl. Ihre Familie wurde als politisch aktive Kurden verfolgt und Cennets Onkel wurde wegen seiner Verbindungen zur PKK von türkischen Soldaten getötet. Um Abschiebung in die Türkei zu entgehen flohen Meltem und ihre Eltern nach Großbritannien und beantragten hier am 24.09.2001 Asyl. Ihr Antrag wurde abgelegt mit der Begründung dass sie aus einem sicheren Drittland eingereist waren. In 2005 verließ Yusuf Avcil die Familie und Meltem und Cennet beantragten Asyl für sich selbst. Gestern wurde ihr Judicial Review abgelehnt und jetzt erwaten Meltem und Cennet nach Detschland abgeschoben zu werden. Die 13-jährige Meltem geht seit mehr als 6 Jahren in England in die Schule hat hat gut Englisch gelernt. Sie hat sich darauf vorbereitet nächstes Jahr die englische Mittlere Reife (GCSE) zu machen . Falls sie und ihre Mutter nach Deutschland abgeschoben werden, wird sie nicht in der Lage sein, ihre Schulbildung fortzusetzen, denn sie spricht kein Deutsch und könnte sehr wahrscheinlich nur wenige Monate in Deutschland bleiben bevor sie in die Türkei angeschoben würde. Meltem und ihre Mutter Cennet wurden am 27. August verhaftet und werden seitdem im Yarl's Wood Abschiebezentrum festgehalten. Mehr als 2 Monate in Abschiebehaft haben der 13 jährigen Meltem geistig schwer zugesetzt und dazu geführt, dass sie sich am 26.10. mit einer Rasierklinge die Arme aufschnitt und im Krankenhaus gehandelt werden musste. Falls sie nach Deutschland abgeschoben wird, wo sie die Sprache sie spricht und wo sie die Unterstützung ihrer keine Freunde und Familie nicht hätte würde sie weiter traumatisieren. Am 11. Oktober schrieb sie den folgenen Brief aus Yarl's Wood Detention Centre: My name is Meltem Avcil. I have lived in the UK since September 2001. Our family was initially dispesed to Bradford where we lived for 6 months and then to Doncaster where we have lived ever since. I am due to be deported with my mom to Germany tomorrow Friday 12th October1. I was born in Turkey. In Turkey the life was so difficult in our village my mum and dad got persecuted like everyday. They were living in the fear of persecution all the time and that fear never stopped. One day they thought if we live like this there is no point of living. Finally I was born. My parents said to themselves we have to do something about this. They moved to Germany when I was 6 year old. Germany refused to give us asylum, so our family made their way to the UK - this was in September 2001. Please think for a minute - if we had not come to UK, Germany would have sent us back to Turkey. From there I would have the same persecution. I know you might be thinking how can they persecute a little girl but I'm sure they do. Because in this country, the UK, there is something called human right. But in Turkey they don't have that so then we moved to UK and claimed for asylum but they refused that in 2005. Immigration 'Snatch squads' first came for us at 7 o'clock in 2005 and bought us to Yarl's Wood removal central. I was small then I did not know anything, after three days they released us. From that day I could not get a bit of sleep in my eyes as I was growing up. Can you feel how I felt always thought what's going to happen to us tomorrow? My dad ran away in 2006. I didn't feel anything. My mom was sad about it. We have never heard from him and have no idea where he is or why he left. Was thinking again and again there is a big difference between asylum child and child who has leave to remain in UK. I never thought they were different. When a friend asks you 'can you come to my party next week' the child that is an asylum seeker thinks first what is going to happen tomorrow? All day all night always asking them, what is going to happen? But when it comes to the party day. You feel nothing happened. Why do I have to live with this feeling all the time? And you start thinking about that as well you think the questions get more and more you can't concentrate on your work. In August 2007 the immigration came for us again in the morning at 7 o'clock. My friends were sleeping in our house. As soon as my mom opened door they rushed in. They do that to all families but can't they think why do they have to come in the morning? Sometimes they awake small babies from their hot bed! Even sometimes they get teenagers to think y future is down. They said to us to be quick, they were shouting in our ears. One time they lead my friends away with out her saying bye to me! How do they feel that I'm never going to see her again? Anyway they took us to the car and drive us to the police station, told us to stay there and wait, there is another car going to come and take you to the removal centre. The car came and it was awful. For a minute I thought to my self am I an animal? They even treat animals better then that. The car had a cage. I said to myself I wished I had died and never saw this day. The escorts bought us to Yarl's Wood. And since that day I haven't seeing no friends. It has been 1 month and 3 weeks I'm here. I tell you it has no difference than a jail. Put your hands to your heart and think this girl's family, friends and loved ones are all in this country. What would this girl do in a different country? How would she survive in different country one that she doesn't even know? Now I need your help for the first and last time. Please help me! Bitte helft Meltem und schreibt zum Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, Referat 431 (Stelle für Fälle die mit der Dublin-Konvention zu tun haben). Deutschland kann ablehnen Meltem und ihre Mutter zurückzunehmen und in dem Fall müsste England über ihren eigentlichen Asylantrag entscheiden anstatt sich dahinter zu verstecken dass Meltem aus Deutschland nach England gekommen ist. Bitte sagt mir bescheit, falls ihr irgendwelche Briefe schickt. Es gibt meltem viel Hoffnung zu wissen, was für sie getan wird. Vielen, vielen Dank! Theresa Schleicher Meltem Support Group
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